A passion, a dream, and the nook.

In March of 2020, like so many others, I (Oakley) decided to get a couple close friends and  family members together to play 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. We met regularly to play, starting out with the “Lost Mines of Phandelver” beginners pack and began to get an understanding of how to play the game. We went that entire year sharing a single set of dice! So for Christmas presents, I decided to buy a set of dice for all of my party members. As I typically do, I decided the dice weren’t enough and wanted to do more and so in addition to the dice, I made what eventually became the Box of Holding. After receiving their presents for Christmas, my party members encouraged me to make more. So I made about ten more boxes and quickly sold or traded those to other talented D&D accessory makers. Soon after I signed up for my first convention, made a few more designs including the first version of the Click-Clack Haversack as well as the Dice Towers, and it has snowballed into what you see today. Since then I have made more that 500 Box of Holdings and Click-Clack Haversacks. More than 300 Dice Towers, and approaching 200 Commander Deck Boxes!

See the Process

The first thing that I have to do is purchase the wood. Luckily for me, I live near three amazing wood mills where they each have an amazing selection of walnut, cherry, oak and so much more all within a 30 minute drive from my house. 

After purchasing the wood, I take it home and plan the wood down to three quarter inch (or half inch if they’re deck boxes) pieces and cut them into short pieces that will fit onto my CNC Router. Once on the router, each individual item will usually take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour to route out. After the routing is complete, each item will go to the laser engraver and receive its Oakley’s Nerd Nook logo, as well as its own personal serial number. This helps me keep track of how many I have made, and lets the patron know that they are purchasing a one of a kind item that nobody else is going to have. 

Once the item is laser engraved, the wood is then sanded to 120 grit and then 220 grit. Once the inside of the box is sanded, it either gets magnets if it is a box, or glued together if it is a tower or deck box. Once everything has a magnet or is assembled, they are taken to a circular sander to have the edges cleaned up and straightened out. It then gets completely sand down on the outside of the box with 120 grit, and then to 220, just like the inside. 

When everything is done being sanded, I take everything to the air compressor and blow away any of the wood dust that is on the boxes. After they are cleaned off, I apply a layer of penetrating oil to all the surfaces of the boxes or towers, and let them sit. Once this is completed the boxes are then ready to be sold!

We Take our Inventory on the Road

Group photo of several magic the gathering commander deck boxes with dice spread throughout the photo. Additionally, two giant white pillars behind each side of the boxes with plants wrapped around them for aesthetic. Truly a visually pleasing image.

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